Custom reports with Alfresco
Long time ago we talked about our product MetaDBConnector, now we want to introduce you in other amazing solution we have created for Alfresco reports. Let’s see in deep…
- Easy to use & user friendly: I don’t want to have 5 years post-grade before to use it 😛 .
- Not expensive: ROI is very important!
- Flexible: Create custom reports and change between them easily.
- Download results in different formats.
- Modern reports: We don’t like to work with 97 excel sheet style…
We don’t like to reinvent the wheel, instead, we investigate which technology can be easily integrate with Alfresco and allow us flexibility:
- Technology should fill most of client requirements.
- Be able to adapt and manipulate it.
- Possibility to integrate with 3r parties.
Our solution is based on these three principles which allow us to integrate it in your company ecosystem.
Reports examples…
- Integration in Alfresco user dashboard (e.g. manager or system administrator)
- Create them based on queries: Save and load them quickly. View them in multiple ways!
- Enjoy: Configure it the way you like it!
Do you like what you’re seeing? Do you want to know more? Ping us on twitter or contact us 😉