Author: Javier Martinez


AQuA – Alfresco Quick Access review

Hi everybody, as some of you already know we have just launched AQuA, an prod-ready ACA fork with extra functionalities. In fact, was a challenge (and a pleasure) for us to start working with...

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Apache SSL, Let’s Encrypt & Tomcat

Hi folks, as first post in our blog I’ll share the steps to configure the typical architecture scenario for many J2EE webapps (as Alfresco or Liferay) : Apache SSL + mod_jk + Tomcat. Thanks...


Alfresco ECM Tour

¿What is Alfresco? Following preso explain the features and advantages for the most popular OpenSource ECM in the corporative market, in a fun way. Enjoy and share it! English version.   Spanish version. Special thanks to @sgomez,...

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